sábado, 24 de septiembre de 2011

New Club

Mr. Juan 
Rainhardt School  

Mr. Juan

I wanted to address to you with a suggestion that will hopefully be considered. Since I know that the school wanted to expand its range of student clubs, I have been thinking about one in particular. I think you should create a reading club for students. The students involved would read books for fun, and not just because they have to. Every couple of weeks it would be a different book, but books which can be chosen by students because if the school chooses the books, most guys, just by that fact, wouldn’t read any of them. So the club would be a student reading club, indeed. The books that will be read in the club, will be discussed by the members, and every member can recommend books so that everyone choses one. To create a club like this will involve some things but believe me when I say there will be more benefits to be thankful for.

The reading club comes from the initiative of the students that would like to be involve in this club. They enjoy reading books, but they would like to expand their range of knowledge and their reading habit, making more use of it. They would also like to have new options of books that they can read, just like I said before, the books will be chosen by the students. I know I say on behalf of all students tha enjoy reading that creating this reading club will be a great way to be involve on an extracurricular activty.

I leave you with this suggestion that will hopefully be into account. I would really like to be part of a reading club for students that could be directed by the students. Just like I said before, it could be helpful. Principal, I know that some student are excited by the possibility that this reading club could be made.
Thank you for the consideration,


Roberto José Cordón Zuñiga

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